110579 1 MOHAMMED OMAR GHULAM NABI Taliban TAi.004 2000-04-12 محمد عمر غلام نبی Father's name is Ghulam Nabi, also known as Mullah Musafir. Left eye missing. Brother-in-law of Ahmad Jan Akhundzada Shukoor Akhundzada (TAi.109). Believed to be in Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. Belongs to Hotak tribe. Review pursuant to Security Council resolution 1822 (2008) was concluded on 27 Jul. 2010. Reportedly deceased as of April 2013. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals <VALUE>Mullah</VALUE> Leader of the Faithful ('Amir ul-Mumineen'), Afghanistan Afghanistan UN List 2003-09-03 2007-09-21 2011-11-29 2013-12-31 2016-09-07 1960 1953 APPROXIMATELY 1966 Naw Deh village, Deh Rawud District Uruzgan Province Afghanistan