2913442 1 GUL AGHA ISHAKZAI Taliban TAi.147 2010-07-20 كُل آغا اسحاقزی Member of a Taliban Council that coordinates the collection of zakat (Islamic tax) from Baluchistan Province, Pakistan. Head of Taliban Financial Commission as at mid-2013. Associated with Mullah Mohammed Omar (TAi.004). Served as Omar's principal finance officer and one of his closest advisors. Belongs to Ishaqzai tribe. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals UN List 2011-11-29 2013-12-31 Good Mullah Gul Agha Good Mullah Gul Agha Akhund Low Hidayatullah Low Haji Hidayatullah Low Hayadatullah Pakistan APPROXIMATELY 1972 Band-e Temur, Maiwand District Kandahar Province Afghanistan