690758 1 GENERAL BUREAU OF ATOMIC ENERGY (GBAE) DPRK KPe.007 2009-07-16 The GBAE is responsible for the DPRK’s nuclear program, which includes the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center and its 5 MWe (25 MWt) plutonium production research reactor, as well as its fuel fabrication and reprocessing facilities. The GBAE has held nuclear-related meetings and discussions with the International Atomic Energy Agency. GBAE is the primary DPRK government agency that oversees nuclear programs, including the operation of the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Center. Changed name as Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry (KPe.027) in 2013. UN List 2024-01-05 a.k.a. General Department of Atomic Energy (GDAE) Haeudong, Pyongchen District Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea