690764 1 BANK OF EAST LAND DPRK KPe.013 2013-01-22 DPRK financial institution Bank of East Land facilitates weapons-related transactions for, and other support to, arms manufacturer and exporter Green Pine Associated Corporation (Green Pine). Bank of East Land has actively worked with Green Pine to transfer funds in a manner that circumvents sanctions. In 2007 and 2008, Bank of East Land facilitated transactions involving Green Pine and Iranian financial institutions, including Bank Melli and Bank Sepah. The Security Council designated Bank Sepah in resolution 1747 (2007) for providing support to Iran’s ballistic missile program. Green Pine was designated by the Committee in April 2012. UN List a.k.a. Dongbang BANK a.k.a. TONGBANG U’NHAENG a.k.a. TONGBANG BANK PO Box 32, BEL Building, Jonseung-Dung, Moranbong District Pyongyang Democratic People's Republic of Korea