6907994 1 FRANK KAKOLELE BWAMBALE DRC CDi.002 2005-11-01 Male Left the CNDP in January 2008. As of June 2011, resides in Kinshasa. Since 2010, Kakolele has been involved in activities apparently on behalf of the DRC government’s Programme de Stabilisation et Reconstruction des Zones Sortant des Conflits Armés (STAREC), including participation in a STAREC mission to Goma and Beni in March 2011. DRC authorities arrested him in December 2013 in Beni, North Kivu Province, for allegedly blocking the DDR process. He left the DRC and lived in Kenya for some time, before being called back by the DRC Government to assist them with the situation in the Territory of Beni. He was arrested in October 2015 in the area of Mambasa for allegedly supporting a Mai Mai group, but no charges were brought and as of June 2016, he lived in Kinshasa. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals FARDC General Democratic Republic of the Congo UN List 2016-10-13 Good FRANK KAKORERE Good FRANK KAKORERE BWAMBALE Good AIGLE BLANC Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo as of June 2016