6908000 1 KHAWA PANGA MANDRO DRC CDi.009 2005-11-01 Male Placed in prison in Bunia in April 2005 for sabotage of the Ituri peace process. Arrested by Congolese authorities in October 2005, acquitted by the Court of Appeal in Kisangani, subsequently transferred to the judicial authorities in Kinshasa on new charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder, aggravated assault and battery. In August 2014, a DRC military court in Kisangani convicted him of war crimes and crimes against humanity, sentenced him to nine years in prison, and ordered him to pay approximately $85,000 to his victims. He served his sentence and resides in Uganda as of May 2016. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals Democratic Republic of the Congo UN List 2016-10-13 Good Kawa Panga Good Kawa Panga Mandro Good Kawa Mandro Good Yves Andoul Karim Good Mandro Panga Kahwa Good Yves Khawa Panga Mandro Low “Chief Kahwa” Low “Kawa” Uganda as of May 2016 EXACT 1973-08-20 Bunia Democratic Republic of the Congo