6908538 1 JOSEPH KONY CAR CFi.009 2016-03-07 Kony is the founder and leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) (CFe.002). Under his leadership, the LRA has engaged in the abduction, killing, and mutilation of thousands of civilians across Central Africa. The LRA has been responsible for kidnapping, displacing, committing sexual violence against, and killing hundreds of individuals across CAR, and has looted and destroyed civilian property. Father’s name is Luizi Obol. Mother’s name is Nora Obol. INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link:https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals <VALUE> General </VALUE> Commander of the Lord’s Resistance Army Uganda UN List 1960 1961 1963 1964-09-18 1965 null null 1961-01-01 null Good Kony Good Joseph Rao Kony Good Josef Kony Low Le Messie sanglant Vakaga Central African Republic Haute-Kotto Central African Republic Basse-Kotto Central African Republic Haut-Mbomou Central African Republic Mbomou Central African Republic Haut-Uolo Democratic Republic of the Congo Bas-Uolo Democratic Republic of the Congo Reported address: Kafia Kingi (a territory on the border of Sudan and South Sudan whose final status has yet to be determined). As of January 2015, 500 Lord’s Resistance Army elements were reportedly expelled from the Sudan. EXACT 1959 Palaro Village, Palaro Parish, Omoro County, Gulu District Uganda