6908707 1 Abd Al-Rahman SALIM IBRAHIM AL-MILAD Libya LYi.026 2018-06-07 Listed pursuant to paragraphs 15 and 17 of resolution 1970 (Travel Ban, Asset Freeze), 1) Name of mother Huriyah Al-A’ib; and 2) Military ID is 36479 <VALUE>Navy Major</VALUE> Commander of the Coast Guard in Zawiya Libya UN List 2021-04-29 2023-11-29 Low Rahman Salim Milad Low al-Bija Good Abdurahman Salem Ibrahim Milad Good ABDULRAHMAN SALIM MILAD KASHLAF Zawiya Libya EXACT 1986-07-27 Tripoli Libya Passport G52FYPRL Libya 2014-05-08 Date of expiration: 7 May 2022 National Identification Number 2519910 Libya