Meklēšana sankciju sarakstos

 Saglabāt XML
Personas veidsPersonas veids:person
PersonaPersona:Seyyed, Mahdi, FARAHI; Seyyed Mahdi FARAHI
Saraksta nosaukums
(datnes nosaukums)
Saraksta nosaukums (datnes nosaukums):ES jaunais sankciju saraksts (xmlFullSanctionsList_1_1.xml)
Saraksta programmu papildu informācija
DatumiLēmuma datums: 2022-06-28Sarakstā iekļaušanas datums: 2022-06-29
Saites uz lēmumiem
Pirmavota datiPirmavota dati:
<sanctionEntity designationDate="2008-06-23" designationDetails="" unitedNationId="" euReferenceNumber="EU.2124.20" logicalId="5268">
         <regulation regulationType="amendment" organisationType="council" publicationDate="2022-06-28" entryIntoForceDate="2022-06-29" numberTitle="2022/1010 (OJ L170)" programme="IRN" logicalId="156263">
         <subjectType code="person" classificationCode="P"/>
         <nameAlias firstName="Seyyed" middleName="Mahdi" lastName="FARAHI" wholeName="Seyyed Mahdi FARAHI" function="Deputy Minister of Defence and Armed Forces Support since 2021. Previously Deputy Minister of Defence and Industrial Affairs of the Ministry of Defence, head of the Defence Industries and Aerospace Organizations of the Ministry of Defence, as well as commander of the Armed Forces Personnel Training Camp. Former head of Iran's Aerospace Industries Organisation  (AIO) and  former  managing director of  the UN-designated  Defence Industries  Organisation (DIO). Member of  the  IRGC ." gender="M" title="IRGC Brigadier-General" nameLanguage="" strong="true" regulationLanguage="en" logicalId="6579">
             <regulationSummary regulationType="amendment" publicationDate="2022-06-28" numberTitle="2022/1010 (OJ L170)" publicationUrl=""/>